You’ve spent months and maybe even YEARS planning and leading up to your big day. You are officially a MRS!!! You made your grand entrance down the aisle to the marry the partner of your dreams, you ate the cake, you partied hard, you spent time with your lover on your honeymoon and know I’m sure you’re E X H A U S T E D. Thank goodness for honeymoons right? Just the break you need after all that wedding planning; a little R&R with your lover. <3
BUT WAIT…. There are just a few more things that need to be done before you can cross “WEDDING” completely off your checklist. Here is your ultimate guide to post-wedding tasks in one easy list:
Send Thank You Cards - your friends and family spent time and money to co
me c e l e b r a t e YOU and some (or all!) may have traveled to your wedding location so the least you can do is send them a thank you and let them know how much you love them and how much you appreciate them coming to support you on the biggest day of your life.
Have your wedding dress cleaned and preserved: Have you thought about what you’re going to do with your wedding dress after it’s all over? Well, you’re probably not going to be wearing it anytime soon so get it cleaned and then decide if you’re going to save it for your daughter one day or even sell it!
Get Photos Printed: You spent money on a professional photographer so when you do get the photo galleries back from them, print those babies and get them on the wall of your home. YOU LOOKED GORGEOUS on your wedding day and those photos deserve to be displayed!
Change the name on all of your accounts - perhaps the least glamorous task on this list but so so so important! Changing your name is not a requirement but if you do, make sure you change it on all your accounts across the board. Don’t put this off because you will forget! The list is long but start with the most important ones first (driver’s license, credit cards, bank accounts, passports, etc.)
Preserve your bouquet: THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE IMMEDIATELY after the wedding and something that you’ll want to have lined up beforehand if it’s something that you want to do! Guess what!! THIS IS A SERVICE THAT I CAN HELP WITH! Surprise, if you’re reading this you’ve got insider information that hasn’t been announced to ANYONE officially. I am now offering flower preservation services so that we can frame the beautiful bridal bouquet that you spent good money on. Message me and let’s chat. :)

6. Make sure all your contracts/agreements are squared away financially. Check and double-chthat you’ve paid all of your vendors and distributed tips to those that you felt really went above and beyond.
7. LEAVE VENDOR REVIEWS!! As a wedding vendor myself, I can’t tell you how much this means to vendors in the wedding industry. The biggest ‘Thank You’ that you can give your vendor is by leaving them reviews so that others can see how well they perform. Check with your vendors to see where they’d prefer the reviews or leave them anywhere and everywhere you can! Pro Tip: They also love being tagged on social media in any wedding photos that they post. They’ll share those with the world so that everyone can see just how beautiful your big day was!
8. Re-Purpose your wedding decor - If you bought anything for your wedding, you probably have a pile of things that you’re not sure when/if you’ll ever use it again. Re-purpose anything that you can, gift some of it to friends that are getting married soon, or sell it! Pro Tip: if you bought items in bulk, check with local rental companies and venues to see if they are interested in purchasing the decor from you at a discount!
9. Save the cake! If you’re saving the top tier of your wedding cake, make sure it gets wrapped and put in the freezer for you and your lover to share on your one year anniversary!
10. Real Life Talks - another one of those not-so-glamorous topics but one that needs to be included on this list. Once you get married you need to make sure you’ve had all the important ‘real-life talks’ including how you’re going to file taxes, merging bank accounts, settle on an insurance plan (talk to HR!), and update your address with all of your friends!

You did it! Your wedding was incredible, your honeymoon was a dream and now you’re starting a life together with the person of your dreams. Hope this list helps so that you can officially be a MRS. without any loose strings left to take care of.
Eventfully, Jacqueline